8-day contemplative retreat

Centering Prayer method (in silence)

“Centering Prayer is a receptive method of silent prayer in which we experience God's presence
within us, closer than breathing, closer than thinking, closer than consciousness itself.
This method of prayer is both a relationship with God and a discipline to foster that relationship”

(Contemplative Outreach website)


Through the practice of Centering Prayer, one embraces the process of transformation in oneself and in others. By persisting in this practice, a contemplative way of seeing and acting has space to emerge, and the soul’s innate sense of awe and wonder at creation can be restored.

The retreat will include: short daily input sessions to deepen the Centering Prayer method and foster growth in the contemplative path; various periods of Centering Prayer each day; opportunity for spiritual companionship and journaling; and personal time to enjoy the silence inside the monastery and in its surrounding nature. This intensive retreat will be in total silence.

It is required that participants have attended at least one weekend retreat in silence. This requirement is important because of the intensive nature of the retreat, which can be challenging for those who are at a more initial stage in the experience with Centering Prayer or other methods of meditation.

If you have any further question about the retreat, please do not hesitate to contact through email.

Please register by June 30th, 2024

For those who have already attended at least one Centering Prayer weekend retreat in silence and have some level of ongoing practice

Sr. Maria José Rebelo, SSpS

650€ (en suite); 570€ (bathroom facilities nearby)



* = Pflichtfelder